5 Moments That Make Being a Mommy Worth It

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You know the moments I’m talking about. They’re just small moments or gestures, nothing crazy, yet they’re so significant. These moments tend to happen just when things feel like they are falling apart,  you’ve been elbow deep in puke for days, or you’re so sleep deprived you’re sure you’ve gone crazy; then suddenly, your child does something that simply erases all the bad and your heart feels full and you may even shed a tear.

These moments don’t just happen in the middle of bad times. They can happen randomly in the middle of your daily routine, but they happen and in those moments you stop dead in your tracks to take it in. It’s those moments I live for; those moments remind me that I really am meant to be a mommy.  In no particular order, here are 5 Moments that make being a mommy worth it:

Moment 1: Holding a Sleeping Baby

The first few days home when you should be taking advantage of your baby napping by getting some shut eye of your own, but instead you just watch him as he sleeps.

Moment 1

Moment 2: Those First Coos

Somewhere around the 8 week marker, everything stops being so scary to your new baby. It’s at this time you can strap him into the swing and walk into the other room for a few minutes without him crying out for comfort and while in the other room, you suddenly hear your baby cooing over something (maybe a mobile, maybe the ceiling fan, who knows) and those coos are the sweetest sounds you’ve ever heard.


Moment 3: Every First

It doesn’t matter if it was his first time eating rice cereal, his first tooth, his first Christmas, or his first steps. Every first moment was a moment of celebration.

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Moment 4: Your Child Learns to Give Affection

My son is learning the art of affection and he knows how to use it to get my attention. Sometimes he’ll want to hear “I love you” so he’ll just look at me and say “mama” then stare at me expectantly. When I respond with, “I Love you,” his face lights up, he smiles and he snuggles down. He has learned how to give big bear hugs and sweet kisses as well. Recently, while working from home, I had my back turned to him typing an email response when he randomly ran up behind me, wrapped his arms around me, said “mama” and gave me a big smack on the cheek. Of course I immediately stopped what I was doing because how could you not?!

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 Moment 5: Your Child Starts Expressing His Own Unique Personality

My son certainly has a personality all his own. He’s extremely expressive and he’ll do ANYTHING for a laugh. Because of this, he keeps us on our toes and keeps laughter in our home.

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What are some of your favorite moments?

About Blondie

I was born and raised in South Alabama so in 2002, I actually moved NORTH when I left for North Carolina. I spent 5 years serving in B to B, tech PR before making the switch to B to C social media marketing. I'm very passionate about what I do. I'm married to my high school sweet heart (yes, those relationships do last) and after 8 years of marriage, we're getting ready to welcome our first child. Before now, our children have been three cute beagles (I'm sure they'll make lots of appearances in my posts). I enjoy trying new products, so you'll see product reviews on here often.Besides that, I'll talk about anything and everything in between about motherhood. Have a question? Feel free to email me.

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